Tuesday, October 23, 2012

That's it! I'm Ordering a Biohazard Suit...

I'm sick. I'm talking fever, chills, body aches, stuffy nose, hacking cough, so tired I could strangle anyone who threatens my rest like a grizzly bear kind of sick. Boo Boo's home from school today because he's coughing pretty bad too. Adrien's cough from last week is mysteriously coming back (reinfection?) and baby Eva's nose started running again today as well.

I can't handle germs anymore. I'm DONE! Every single school year we get on this never ending merry-go-round of sickness that lasts for months. I'm fed up with it. Do my kids and I have no immunity whatsoever? We take vitamins, drink juice, try to eat fruits and vegetables often. What gives?

After a few months of this I'll start losing my mind and psychotically cleaning everything because I'll be convinced the house is what's making us sick. I'm serious. I do it every year. The germs literally drive me to the point of insanity.

I'm not ready to go through this again. As much as I love fall and winter, spring just can't get here fast enough for me. I don't know when I'll be back to writing again. As of this moment, I'm on sick leave.

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