Friday, August 31, 2012


I didn't post yesterday and I don't have time to bring you a good post today, but I wanted to let all you mammas out there know what was going on.

My oldest child, Ethan, has been home from school with a severe ear infection. He went to the E.R. last night and got a shot of antibiotics and some pain medicine, so hopefully he'll get better over the weekend.

Working from home, things come up with the kids sometimes that will put your projects on hold. When that happens, don't sweat it. Take a break from your job and focus on taking care of the kids. Once everything goes back to normal, you can buckle down and get back to work. Always put your family first.

I'm taking the weekend off to help Ethan get better. I'll be back on Monday with a good post about time management like I promised. Send some good health wishes our way. I'll catch up with you ladies next week.

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