Aside from doing the dishes and the laundry (which I've already gotten under control because I'm awesome) I've got some work to do on Squidoo today.
First, I'll be writing a new lens. I'm not sure what the topic will be, but I'll figure something out. Next I've got to spruce up a few of my other lenses that aren't really seeing much traffic. Then it's time to promote them all a little more on various social bookmarking sites and what not. And finally I'll open a Xomba account and start writing a few short articles that link back to my lenses.
Boo Boo and I are sick with colds, but thanks to some cold medicine we're feeling pretty decent for the time being. By the way, Boo Boo is Ethan. That's been his nickname ever since Adrien was a baby. And no, there's no relation to Honey Boo Boo. We may be Alabama hicks but we're classier than that. ;)
So that's the schedule for today. Wish me luck. I've got to run for now because Mr. Boo Boo is sitting at the dinning room table trying to let me know that he's ready for lunch. He might not be able to talk, but he knows how to get his point across!
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