Friday, October 19, 2012

Fear and Doubt

I'm starting to get scared. It's getting real close to the day that my kids and I move out of my parents house. We've been looking at trailers and it's almost time to start making a decision on which one we're getting. Part of me is thrilled at the thought of having my own place again and no longer sleeping on a couch bed with my four year old, but I'm mostly terrified of how I'm going to make ends meet.

One life saver will be in the child support and temporary alimony I'll be getting. However, my husband wasn't a millionaire, so it certainly won't be enough to live off of.

I've made like 4 bucks with Squidoo. Don't spend it all in one place right? I'm getting worried that freelance writing isn't a viable option for me anymore. I just flat out don't have the time. You can't work only a couple of hours a day at freelance writing. It takes way more commitment than that. But a couple of hours a day, or sometimes less, is all I've got.

I can't get a mainstream job because then who would care for Ethan? The younger two would be fine in daycare if that's what had to be done, but not Ethan. I wish I could afford a nurse to care for him in the afternoons and during the summer time so I could just go to work and support my family like everyone else. It sure would be easier than trying like hell to find time to write articles online that may or may not ever help pay the bills. I'm really scared.

I think I'll be a phone sex operator. Now that's where the money is! I'm joking of course (or am I)? All I know is there's got to be a better way. I don't think writing is going to cut it for me right now. Maybe I should learn to make something and sell it on eBay. Who am I kidding? I can't sew or do anything that they teach in home-ec. I took wood shop in high school. Not to learn how to make stuff though, I took it for the boys. Needless to say I'm not crafty in the least.

Lord, give me a sign. Tell me how I'm supposed to financially support my family with virtually no means to do so? Sometimes it feels like all the paths in my life lead to a dead end. But I'm not giving up, I'm just a tad bit worn out. Perhaps I'll feel more optimistic in the morning.


  1. I can relate to that feeling. Lanie's dad was cheating on me when she was 3 weeks old and in the hospital with RSV. Needless to say it was a nasty divorce and our baby was not even a month old. Everything about life seemed colorless and cold. Thank God I only had one child because that was enough. My heart goes out to you. It will get better. It probably won't get better soon and it will suck for a while but the thing about life is that it is constantly changing. Sometimes that change is for worse and sometimes for good but when you hate everything at least you can find some comfort in knowing that it is temporary. I know I haven't spoken to you since high school but I am here if you ever need to talk. <3

    1. Awwww, Melissa thank you so much for the kind words. Gosh, you sure do know the right things to say at the right time. I know it will get better, I mean you're proof of that right? :)

      Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it, girl. *hugs*

  2. If you have a call center nearby, I'd recommend try them. I have worked at a call center for 3 years, so that I can keep my son out of school, and it has worked very well for me. Just a thought.

    visit for some general info about that idea, too

    Good luck!

    1. Hmmm... interesting idea. I will look into that asap. Thanks for sharing!
