Here's a little back-story on me. I
first got into writing in 2009. I was selling Avon at the time and it
wasn't working out well. So in an effort to gain more Avon customers
and bring people to my online Avon store, I wrote a couple of
articles about Avon skincare and cosmetics on a site called eHow.
eHow used to allow pretty much anyone to submit articles, and if they were successful, you'd earn a cut of the ad revenue. They called it the “Writer's Compensation Program.” I wasn't looking to be a writer, I just wanted to get the word out about my Avon store. A few months went by and I wasn't getting any additional Avon business, so I went back to eHow to check the stats on my articles to see if anyone was even reading them. To my surprise, I had earned like $20 on those two articles. As I sat at my desk, a cartoonish light bulb formed above my head and I said to myself “this is what I should be doing.”
I wrote a total of 150 articles for
eHow and made anywhere from $400-600 a month. I had a ton of readers,
nice first-page Google results and my articles had steadily
increasing earning each month. My income was growing and I was headed
in the right direction. Unfortunately, just as I was getting started,
the WCP was discontinued. Bummer right?
I was pregnant with Eva when this
happened, so I thought it was probably for the best because I wasn't
going to have time to work from home once she's born anyway.
Fast forward to today and here I am
starting all over again, this time with Squidoo. And let me tell you,
those first couple of months are grueling! Honestly, if it wasn't for
my experience with eHow in the past, I'd probably want to give up
right now.
But I don't. I carry on holding tightly
to the faith that in the end, this will pay off. It's like driving in
a thick fog. I can't see the road in front of me, but I've traveled
this road before and I know if I keep pushing the gas and holding the
wheel straight, I'll eventually get there.
I've got to go write some more lenses.
I'm having trouble coming up with topics, though. On the plus side,
some Giant Squids liked my latest lens about lip plumpers. So maybe I
should write something else beauty related? I don't know. I'm
watching America's Next Top Model with my mom right now and I'm
feeling no inspiration at all. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better and
pull off a good one. ;)
Did you sell your eHow articles? I reposted some of those to Squidoo(that were kicked off eHow). You can do so much more by putting your own amazon and ebay modules into Squidoo. I'm making 3 times as much as I did on eHow.
ReplyDeleteI sold my eHow articles during the "buy out." I got a nice offering for them, so it was good. The old ones that got kicked off, I've lost along the way. I've been meaning to go through my old hard drives and see if I can recover any of them.
ReplyDeleteAs far as putting my own Amazon modules on Squidoo, I REALLY want to do that, but I haven't figured out how. Whenever I try, it just turns out to be an ugly chunk of code on my lens and not the actual module. Am I missing something??? lol.