Tuesday, September 4, 2012

And the New Project Is... Squidoo!

Last week, while I was working on overhauling my Zazzle store, I was also researching a potential new work-from-home venue, Squidoo. Thanks to the advice of some fellow writer friends of mine, I decided to give it a try.

If you're not familiar with Squidoo, read up on it here. In a nutshell, it's a place to write articles (called lenses) about whatever topic you're interested in. Squidoo will pay you a cut of the ad revenue/affiliate sales that your lens brings in.

If you're good at writing, and knowledgeable about a variety of things, then Squidoo might be right up your alley. As for me, I'm starting out writing about health and beauty topics. Not just because they are of interest to me, but also because before I got married I was a certified medical assistant, and at one point I was an Avon beauty consultant. So naturally, health and beauty are my strongest areas.

I've made two lenses so far. My first was about exercises to make your booty bigger and the second was about the new fashion trend, fajas. Let me know what you think.
Is there any real money to be made with Squidoo? Only time will tell. But if you need some convincing, check out this article by a woman who makes some pretty serious money with Squidoo. Her article was the thing that made me go ahead and give Squidoo a chance.

As with most revenue share gigs, it may take a while for this Squidoo thing to take off for me. But I'll keep you all updated on my progress and share my experience writing for Squidoo as I go. Wish me luck!


  1. You should be ashamed of trying to make women's fannies larger. For shame, madame!

    1. Mr. Paris - lol. If you were a woman, you'd understand how big of a deal having a nice booty is these days. I'll have you know, I do "8 minute buns" every day just to keep up. ;)

      Btw, thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a funny comment. Much appreciated!
